The complete source code is therefore available. The public Git repository allows a direct view on all changes made. With Iridium the whole process is entirely transparent. There are many forks of Chromium-based browsers, yet in our opinion they failed in many other key areas important for adoption: It takes the Chromium code base, which is also used for the official Chrome browser, and enhances its security and sets certain policies by default. Iridium is not another new browser from scratch. Since the tight integration with its inventor (Google) makes many things easier it does not comply to restrictive data environments. Chrome is fast, stable, and user-friendly but does not meet many organizations' demands for privacy. In addition, all our builds are reproducible and modifications are auditable, setting the project ahead of other secure browser providers. Respondus has an additional educational tool called Studymate Campus that is focused on flashcards.Automatic transmission of partial queries, keywords, metrics to central services is prevented and only occurs with the approval of the user.
The developers release new software updates for the LockDown Browser and the Respondus Monitor. The footage gets rated based on what the tech deems to be appropriate or not. The browser and monitor track gestures, eye movements, sounds, and beyond. While schools often implement the Respondus Browser and Monitor with positive intentions, the technology oversteps privacy boundaries that students have.
Test takers have even figured out how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser, which reveals the potential flaws that the system can have. The remote proctoring model enforces students to prove their trustworthiness, while the tech company and educational staff do not need to. Teachers can watch the recording in addition to the Respondus AI, which further intrudes on privacy standards that students should be subject to. Luckily, teachers can review the feedback to overwrite the marks that Respondus made. The LockDown Browser and Monitor exacerbate that stress by invading privacy, relying on technology to make decisions. Tests and exams are already sources of anxiety for certain students. Respondus produces a rigid test-taking environment that does not encourage ease. Considering the program tracks eye movements, students are required to keep their faces constantly visible.

Respondus uses the microphone to track audio. In case the students look around or talk to someone, the program will flag the behavior. The service delivers reports to the teachers with a low, medium, or high visual rating status. The Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor notes whether the recorded behavior indicates cheating or not. How does LockDown Browser detect cheating? The ethicality of technology is questionable since the livelihood of academic careers can rely on the output of what technology deems as suitable. Respondus goes further than just locking and monitoring the test-taking session since the Artificial Intelligence flags certain behaviors as appropriate and inappropriate. The technology goes insofar as to make assumptive decisions as to whether the test takers are being honest.

The recording gets stored to let the teacher review your actions. The program requires you to show your environment with your webcam in a virtual tour. Remote proctoring software is invasive to personal privacy since your webcam and microphone must be turned on to record footage when you take exams.

Does Respondus LockDown Browser record you? The proctoring service blocks the right mouse click and function keystrokes. Test takers cannot use email and instant messaging services when the LockDown Browser is enabled, and d ocuments and notes are not available either. Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor prevents students from accessing applications and websites, aside from the designated test.
Students need to install Respondus LockDown Browser and then log into the LMS. Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor integrates into Learning Management Systems: Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Moodle, Schoology, and Sakai. The academic program is often used as a remote tool when students must take tests from home.
The software is available for school and home settings on Microsoft Windows PC computers and laptops. The Respondus Browser can see both the virtual content on your desktop and your physical surroundings in the room. Respondus takes control of the screen, webcam, and microphone to proctor exams. Respondus LockDown Browser controls the computer or laptop that the software is installed on. Since the Respondus Monitor uses the webcam and microphone, the program blatantly invades student privacy. While Respondus LockDown Browser replaces the need for human proctors during exams, the software can see much more than what a person can. What does Respondus LockDown Browser see?